Senin, 22 April 2013

Tugas 2 ( bahasa inggris 2 / softskill )

Name  : yuniar frida susanti
Class   : 3 eb 22
Npm    : 28210778

My name Yuniar frida Susanti. Everyone calls me yuniar. I am 20 years old. I Live in Bekasi. I study at Gunadarma University. I go to gunadarma university with friends by motorcycle. i have best friends in college. They are frindly and very beutiful.
I am interest in travelling, Last week, I went to baturaden purwokerto.   This attraction has a variety of tourist charms like waterfalls, hot springs, swimming pool with slide boards tortuous, arena toys to garden / park beautiful. animals which contains rare animals. I went there with my family. I and my family was happy. I looked beautiful panorama. My mother walked around the baturaden with my father. because my brother likes to spend her photographer took this picture. After getting tired, We had lunch at 12 o’clock.

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